I just love ... BABYBJÖRN

8:06 PM My Bun In The Oven 0 Comments

People may think I am rushing, I'm only 24 weeks pregnant and seemed to have quickly accumulated baby stuff. I know it is early, but I want to be prepared and let's be honest having a child puts a slight strain on the financial side. So I want to buy everything while I can afford it! Also buying last minute is stressful. I just love it, it makes the prospect of having a baby ..real!
So... YES .. I have a high chair and a baby kitchen set for my unborn little baby boy :) He's not even breastfeeding yet that I am planning for when he is eating food. (which will come quicker than you think). I know this blog was supposed to be about my pregnancy, but it seems I have an obsession to baby products .. I'm addicted!

My lovely parcels.. I haven't built the high chair yet, or properly opened the baby plates, spoons, cups, soft bibs and smock!

I went for the BABYBJÖRN high chair because:

  • Modern and stylish design
  • Not bulky
  • Easy to fold and store
  • Easy to clean
  • No harness 

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