Are you TTC ? Longing for that BFP ? How to thrive on Forums.

10:17 PM My Bun In The Oven 0 Comments

If you are trying to conceive, chances are you most probably used our dear fiend "google" to search every little symptom that could indicate that you have managed to conceive and say bye bye to aunt flo for 9 months.
Well at least this is what i did when i was desperatly trying, and i found myself in a crazy world of acronyms, which made it impossibe to understand any baby forum. So heres a list of the acronyms you will need to join the trying to conceive club :

TTC : Trying to conceive
BFP : Big fat positive
BFN : Big fat negative
DPO : Date past ovulation
CD : Cycle day
CM : Cervical mucus
EWCM : Egg white cervical mucus
HPT : Home pregnancy test
OPK : Ovulation predictor kit
Mc : Miscarriage
Ms : Morning sickness
AF : Aunt flo / period
DH : Darling/Dear husband
DS : Darling/Dear son
DD : Darling/Dear daughter
DP : Darling/Dear partner
SO : Significant other
LO : Little one

Hope you can find these useful on your wonderful  adventure.

Laura x